Saturday, 10 March 2012

Books, books and more books. Oh - and some cds.

Remember the bespoke AV unit we commissioned?  We liked it so much we approached the company again with a view to getting a bespoke CD rack and some bookshelves.  Several renders were passed between us and the company and we finally took delivery in the last couple of weeks.  Yet again we're very pleased.  Both units are incredibly solid with not a single screwhead, dowel or other join visible anywhere.

The empty CD rack:

And filled with most of the collection - it holds just under 800 cds.  I had to be ruthless and get rid of some of the lesser listened to albums but before doing so, they were ripped in hi-res flac format and stored on the server to be streamed to the naim.

The bookcase arrived in two parts and weighs a ton!  Luckily it's on castors so fairly easy to move about when empty, not the case when full!

Again, we had to be fairly ruthless in deciding which books warranted a space on this shelf and which were relegated to the old shelves in the conservatory.

Minor Updates

Once the kitchen was finished late last year, we decided to take a break and just enjoy the house for a while.  During January/February we made a couple of minor changes and bought some nice things!

We decided to make a feature out of the wall in the corner of the lounge so after much swearing and sweating we ended up with this:

The wallpaper is from B&Q and to be honest, is just enough.  The colour matches well with the green accents in the room and it adds something to that corner.

We also wanted to fill the large white wall in the kitchen without taking away from the clean white lines so a trip to John Lewis in the sales bagged us this: